Inspire Mum and Baby

Benefits of Baby Yoga

Here are some reasons why you should consider practicing yoga regularly with your child:

Spending quality time together

The well-known Kiasu Singaporean parents tend to focus too much on a child’s formal education and tend to overload a child with many different classes and courses. Having a yoga workout session with your kid encourages them to relax and gives you the perfect opportunity to pick up a pastime with them.

Introducing regular exercise to your kids

We all know that exercising is important in keeping our bodies healthy and strong. Yoga is especially suitable as a start for children as it is less intense and strikes a balance in strengthening all parts of the body in a calm manner. This provides the perfect opportunity for you to include an exercise routine in both your lives. As much as your baby needs to stretch those developing muscles, you need the time to relax your tensed muscles as well.

Training your child to focus and endure

Other than the physical aspect, yoga consists of meditative elements that aids in focus and endurance. Learn to focus on your breath and live in the present through each yoga session, and help your little bub to pick up this skill too.

Weaning off digital gadgets

In this digital age, many parents turn to their iPads and smartphones to soothe their active child. It is no doubt an easy way out, but it is also the worst way out. It can lead to the over-reliance on an unrealistic digital world. Yoga stimulates their senses and reflexes and helps them connect to the real world. With friends to work out together, it makes it more fun and stimulating for them too!

A good night’s sleep

And of course the best part to look forward to is better sleep for both mummy and baby!

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Stay tuned for the next article on the Benefits of Group Swim Classes.

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