Inspire Mum and Baby

FEATURED IN: Want A Water Baby? Learn at Inspire Mum & Baby

If you think frolicking in the water with your babies is swimming then you are so wrong. To inspire or cultivate a real swimmer from birth, the legitimate way is to bring him/her to a real swimming class. Our recommendation if you ask? We gave our thumbs to the stalwart coaches at Inspire Mum & Baby down at Changi Road because we have been down in the water and back with a decision. We are coming back for more!

Find out more on why our baby swimming lesson is highly recommended by FamilyStaySg 

Click here for full article credited to

We are available to take private 1-1 swim class bookings at your outdoor pools. Interested?
Contact us via WhatsApp at 92341866
Stay tuned for the next article on the Benefits of Group Swim Classes.

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